Faculty Art Show


Last Friday marked the annual faculty art show with resounding success and prestige. Starting at 5pm and ending at 8pm, this short lived showcase promoted some of the finest educating minds at Arapahoe Community College, their works, endeavors, and prominence.  Allowing students and others to see through eyes of their instructors, the show gave the ability to understand the people who are guiding future artists to their goals.

From Left to Right: George P. Perez (Art Fan), Stephanie Kantor (Ceramics Adjunct), Nathan Abels (Drawing Instructor), Angela Faris Belt (Chair of Studio Art and Art History)

Starting at 5pm, the show drew a large number of students and faculty to the scene, observing the fine works of the talented art faculty.  The event drew observers consistently toward the end of the event at 8pm.

Nathan Abels presenting his works

A spectacular vision of Stonehenge was presented beneath a starry sky with a diminishing comment by it’s creator. “I haven’t quite made the connection yet.” -Nathan Abels.

These stellar works of photography, illustration, and sculpture illuminate the room with an almost ethereal presence.  There was nothing to be deceived by.  The sheer talent of the art faculty was in full effect.


Those who missed out have until Monday to view the open showcasing.