Exodus and Municipal Waste to Ravage the Summit!
California thrash-metal titans Exodus and Virginia party-thrash ragers Municipal Waste are currently tearing a new hole into the U.S. and they’re bringing this madness to the Summit Music Hall in Denver on Friday, March 2!
Dubbed the “Mr. Pickles Thrashtacular”, the co-headlining bill comes as a promotional tour for Adult Swim’s forthcoming third season of the cartoon Mr. Pickles. Any tour package that brings together Exodus and Municipal Waste is a hell of a great one, so if a cartoon chronicling the serial killer tendencies of a family dog is the catalyst, I’m all in favor.
The tour is only hitting 13 cities and it will feature merchandise from the Mr. Pickles series as well as free merchandise from Adult Swim. Adult Swim is no stranger to musical ventures, but let’s discuss the main attractions and the real reason that attendance is a must for this razing party:
The evening will be opened by Colorado grind/hardcore punk assailants Call of the Void, which gives you a third reason to mark this date on your calendar. The quartet is another fine example of Mile High rage delivered via aural hemorrhaging. Stream their A.Y.F.K.M EP to hear what I mean.
Richmond, Virginia’s Municipal Waste have established themselves as an archetypal crossover-thrash concoction. Subject matter detailing toxic waste, mutants and excessive partying combined with short, quick-tempo music has afforded them with crossover legions ‘round the globe. Because of this, their 2017 offering Slime and Punishment was a warm welcome after five years without a new full-length. Come get wasted!
Bay Area thrash forbearers Exodus need no introduction. The California quartet has, since 1979, built one of the legs that support the throne of heavy metal. Exodus contributed to heavy metal’s storied history of required listening with records like Fabulous Disaster and Bonded by Blood. They have since continued to despoil stages around the world with their music. This is one of the prime live acts in all of heavy music, a group that is regarded for their performances.
Tickets are available from the Summit Music Hall here.

Jake Tharan is a second year journalism student at ACC. He is the current Entertainment Editor for the Arapahoe Pinnacle, having contributed as a music critic and reporter in the past. Heavy metal is his aural pleasure, but he...