A new club is being offered at ACC – Student Bible study & prayer group


Image via Carolyn Jarvis

Arapahoe Community College has a new Bible Study and Prayer Group that is open to everyone. They meet once a week to pray for the students at ACC, study a passage of scripture, and discuss whatever else is on their hearts, and they would love to have you join them. Their mission is to offer friendship and support to other students, while also being a tangible example of the unconditional love of God.

The Student Bible Study is hosting an informational event on Monday, April 18, 11:45am-2:00pm in the Student Lounge. Food will be provided.

“Our main goal for the Bible Study is to cultivate discussion about Christianity and the Bible in a non-exclusive, welcoming environment for any and all interested students. We believe questions are good, and we encourage students to come regardless of their religious background or beliefs,” says student organizer Cecelia Lee.

The Bible Study is discussion-based and they welcome your questions. Another student who has been attending regularly expressed her excitement about the Bible Study in this way: “I love being able to come together to share ideas about passages of the Bible and how it applies to us, talk about what we’re struggling with, share how God’s been encouraging us lately, as well as discussing any questions we have about the Bible or God. Then we’re able to honestly pray for one another. I find it really encouraging! I also like to have this place for people to come and find out anything about Christianity and what we believe.” You are welcome to attend at any time and explore who Jesus is.

The Student Bible Study & Prayer Group is a non-denominational club that meets on Wednesdays from 1:00-2:00pm in Room 4730.