Local Theatre brings back Little Shop of Horrors

Image via Arapahoe.edu

Everyone is scared of the unknown, except for when it came in the form of an alien plant wanting world domination. The downtown Littleton Theater became the new home of Audrey 2, a blood sucking and human eating plant in “Little Shop of Horrors.”

No one is aware of the plant’s ghastly desires except for the meek flower shop assistant Seymour. Those who have seen the movie know that Audrey, Seymour’s love interest, plays an important role and is at the center of Seymour’s discussion process. However, Seymour was ultimately defeated by his own ignorance and denial. As the play continues, another protagonist, Orin Scrivello is introduced. Scrivello is the abusive boyfriend of Audrey that is always causing more harm then good. Always looking for his next high with nitrous oxide, he brings not only his own demise, but a moral dilemma to Seymour in the song “Now (It’s Just the Gas).”  This is the turning point in the play that changes everything for Seymour. As Seymour learns, there is a terrible price to pay when you get what you want, instead of what you earn.

As the play progresses, the set is bound to catch attention as Audrey 2 evolves from a small plant in a pot to almost devouring the whole store.  With costumes and set design involved, everything is presented in order to entrance the audience. The audience loved it too, by the wave of applauses through out the play and the standing ovation at the end. The crowd was diverse; some were family, some were friends, and some were lovers of theatre. A portion of them were ACC students. 

ACC had a special partnership with this production. They hosted a specific ACC event afterwards that talked about the psychology behind “Little Shop of Horrors.” This event came with drinks, snacks, and they also covered the price of admission to see the play for any students as well.  If you are interested in learning more about what is upcoming for ACC, please visit the ACC Events page.