“Anti-Vax” or Vaccine Safety?
Image via Lindsey Wasson/Reuters
This piece has been selected to be re-run by the Editor-in-chief as the United States wrestles with vaccine mandates and vaccine misinformation, and the on-going Covid-19 pandemic.
All across the United States, a fierce debate is taking place over whether vaccines should be mandatory. While it was previously acceptable for parents to exempt their children from certain vaccinations for religious or health reasons, recent measles outbreaks have caused many in the political and media class to push for a strict mandatory vaccination regimen.
Colorado lawmakers recently pushed for a bill called HB19-1312 that would have made it next to impossible for families to exempt their children from vaccination, but it wound up getting voted down by Republican senators.
Let’s start off by examining the side of the debate which is most often touted and given platform by the mainstream media, the pro-vaccine side.
Proponents of mandatory vaccination always refer to some of the great societal advances that vaccines brought us, such as the near elimination of diseases like polio, rubella, diphtheria and the measles. They also profess that vaccines are thoroughly tested and safe, arguing that the amount of vaccine injuries that do occur are the cost society must pay to achieve herd immunity.

The current mainstream narrative is that anyone who disagrees with these talking points is a tinfoil hat wearing Anti-Vaxxer choosing to deny science.
A prime example of this is Frank Brunni’s New York Times op-ed titled “The Real Horror of The Anti-Vaxxers,” wherein Brunni offers: “And that’s because the anti-vaccine crowd (or anti-vaxxers) aren’t trafficking in anything as concrete, mundane and quaint as facts. They’re not really engaged in a debate about medicine. They’re immersed in a world of conspiracies, in the dark shadows where no data can be trusted, nothing is what it seems and those who buy the party line are pitiable sheep.”
While it is true that if you look hard enough you’re going to find some unstable extremists who think that all vaccines implant CIA tracking devices into your bloodstream and the only way to remove them is with crystal energy and sage burning, those people certainly don’t represent most of the groups that get labeled “Anti-Vax.”
Many of them are in religious communities who have very strict beliefs as far as what can be considered medicine like Hasidic Jews or Jehovah’s Witnesses and forcing them to partake in mandatory vaccinations would be a clear violation of their constitutional right of freedom of religion.

“It is simply wrong to compare the plight of Jews during the Holocaust to that of anti-vaxxers,” Jonathan A. Greenblatt, CEO of the Anti-Defamation League, told the Washington Post.
However, the largest and most vocal people that get lumped under the all-encompassing “Anti-Vax” term are health advocates, medical professionals and scientists that work in groups like Physicians for Informed Consent and Informed Consent Action Network.
These groups are far from “anti-science” and don’t doubt the science of vaccinations, but argue that the vaccine industry is shockingly under-regulated and that we’re putting our country’s youth at risk just to make Big Pharma even more billions of dollars.
While these groups discuss mountains of different disputable scientific studies and arguments over the efficacy of certain vaccine ingredients, for this essay we’ll stick to their main arguments for why the Vaccine industry is corrupt and in desperate need of reform.
They argue that corruption in the vaccine industry started with the National Childhood Vaccine Injury Prevention Act of 1986. By passing this act, Congress granted vaccine manufacturers financial immunity from any vaccine injury liability, instead shifting the burden to United States’ taxpayers.
Without fear of repercussions of market forces, vaccine manufacturers have less desire to ensure quality vaccines and more motivation to create and push as many new vaccines as possible.
According to an Informed Consent Action Network pamphlet entitled Vaccine Safety, Introduction to Vaccine Safety Science & Policy in the United States, “Since passage of the 1986 Act, the number of required pediatric vaccines has grown rapidly. In 1983, the CDC’s childhood vaccine schedule included 11 injections of 4 vaccines. As of 2017, the CDC’s childhood vaccine schedule includes 56 injections of 30 different vaccines.”
Who would have guessed than removing financial liability from a multi-billion dollar industry would lead to reckless mass production of vaccinations?
This is made even more worrying when you understand how low FDA standards are to approve a vaccine. The following paragraph is a rundown of FDA vaccine guidelines from an Informed Consent Action Network pamphlet titled, “Vaccine Safety, Introduction to Vaccine Safety Science & Policy in the United States.”

CDC Vaccine Schedules, Then and Now
“Unfortunately, unlike all non-vaccine drugs licensed by the FDA, vaccines are not required to undergo long-term double-blind inert-placebo controlled trials to assess safety. In fact, not a single one of the clinical trials for vaccines given to babies and toddlers had a control group receiving an inert placebo. Further, most pediatric vaccines currently on the market have been approved based on studies with inadequate follow-up periods of only a few days or weeks.”
That’s right, the aspirin you take after a stressful day at work had to undergo far more rigorous safety trials than the chemical cocktail vaccinations that our babies get injected with on their first day of life.
Both sides of this argument are fighting for the same end goal: improving our countries public health. While there are always going to be people who simply don’t trust science, it’s important not to lump them into the same group as medical professionals pushing for vaccine safety.
If we ever want vaccines to be successful enough to improve public health, we must first end their financial immunity regarding vaccine injuries that only incentivizes them to produce mediocre products with little concern for safety. After that, we need to require rigorous clinical trials for vaccines just like any other pharmaceutical product in this country. Without double-blind, inert-placebo controlled trials there’s no scientific proof that the vaccine even works.
Mandatory vaccinations in a country where they’re so astonishingly unregulated is a frightening concept. If stronger regulations were implemented, we’d eliminate the chance of children suffering from negative side effects and hold massive pharmaceutical companies accountable for cutting corners. It’s time that we treat vaccines like any other drug in this country.

Jaymes Grundmann is a second year ACC and Editor-in-Chief of the Arapahoe Pinnacle. He’s a musician who’s been featured on 11 albums and has been playing shows across the country with his band Short Fuse 59. He’s also deeply...
Caley • Dec 7, 2021 at 2:40 pm
Thank you! Such a great article!
Rob • Jun 29, 2019 at 7:28 am
Eve, your comments illustrate the extreme and uniformed bias that exists in the camp of, strong pro vaccine advocates. Some of you assume it’s all to do with autism. That is just one in many concerns that wasn’t even mentioned in this article. I’ve looked at decades of infectious disease and vaccine data and this research is what made me a vaccine skeptic. Until the majority of us can rid ourselves of the emotion and hype on this topic we will never be able to have meaningful debates on the perceived values versus long term risks.
Edward Kentish • Jun 28, 2019 at 1:56 pm
Thank you Jaymes Grundman
Terry • Jun 28, 2019 at 8:57 am
Thank you! Finally a journalist that has the guts to write a balanced view. And just ignore that hateful response, she writes the same BS on every site she can.
Sarah • Jun 28, 2019 at 6:47 am
This was a very well written article. And most of the comments are dead on! However, Eve your comments about anti-vaxxers and autism is way out of line. I am what you would call an anti-vaxxer, but chose to think of myself as simply someone who supports freedom of choice. I believe I should have the option to choose what is injected into my children’s bloodstream. And this has absolutely nothing at all to do with autism. It actually has to do with the fact that my child was injured by a vaccine, though again, not autism. Trust me, there are plenty of other side effects and adverse reactions one can get from vaccines! Just wanted you to be aware that your comments are such a huge stereotypical generalization. They are not accurate and actually do not depict most of us who once did blindly follow the current vaccine recommendations, but now know better.
Sylvie • Jun 26, 2019 at 2:21 pm
This is a very well written article. It is respectful toward both sides, both anti or pro vax. It is not about them, it is about what needs to be done in order for both sides to agree. If the vaccine companies are held reliable for taking care of the people that are harmed by vaccines, it does not go against pro-vaccine people since it is the children of people that get them vaccinated that are among the harmed ones. If better testing is done, it is not against pro-vax, they will have safer vaccines. If results of testing, done by third party, is made available, both groups will have the same data and won’t argue anymore. If the ones making money out of vaccines have no say in any decision and information given to the population, both groups will know that the information and decision making is unbiased. There is no reason for not wanting safer vaccines. It is especially the pro-vaccine that will benefit from that. I completely respect both sides. Both want the best for the children.
Lj • Jun 26, 2019 at 12:17 am
This was a well written and common sense request for vaccines to be held to the same requirements as pharmaceuticals. Why are they liability free? If a car causes injury, the manufacturer is liable, if a product is found faulty, the company can be sued, why not a vaccine company? All studies done on vaccines are done by the company themselves, why not an independent research? And why not against a double blind placebo? Why does the cdc own over 20 patents on these vaccines being mandated for children to take if they want to go to school? Why do children have to take 73 doses of vaccines before graduating high school? Why in 30 yrs has there never been a study of these vaccines’ long term effects on people? Why has the vaccine court issued 4 BILLION dollars to proven vaccine related injury? These are all questions every person should be asking. To mandate these biological elements to people, especially children, without proper safety testing is unconscionable. 4 days to 3 months is NOT sufficient safety testing before releasing it to the public. An independent study should be done with unbiased scientists from both sides of the argument on each vaccine being mandated by the cdc with the results being available to all Americans should they want to read them, BEFORE ANY VACCINE IS MANDATED TO CHILDREN. There is a reason the Congress stated that vaccines are “unavoidably unsafe,” we should treat them as so. Repeal the 1987 National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act so that liability and accountability will take effect. I’m sure proper safety testing will be sure to happen quite expeditiously and the excessive mandating of biologics to the public will coincidentally decrease. We should come together on this as a common desire for all. We should want to keep each other safe, not battle and discriminate against each other. We all want the best for ourselves and our families. Let’s be the best United States we can be and protect our people and our children from anything that may harm them. Demand more safety and efficacy testing, release liability for causing harm.
Jenn • Jun 25, 2019 at 11:17 pm
Thank you for a well written article. Vaccines have definitely improved the quality of life in our lifetime. However we need to note that there is no drug, medication, vaccine natural or pharmaceutical made that is 100% safe for 100% of the population. We need to remember this. I agree that we need better vaccine studies and stricter standards for release of vaccines. Big pharmaceutical companies donate millions of dollars to our government. This should not be allowed. Health freedom shouldn’t be for sale. Right now California is fighting a terrible potential bill sb276 that takes medical decisions out of the hands of doctors and interferes with their right to make decisions without fear of prosecution and persecution of their patients. It’s time to stop letting big money dictate our freedoms.
Christopher Alan • Jun 25, 2019 at 12:56 pm
What’s with the rant about autism? There’s no reference to autism in the article.
I agree with the writer. Proper drug testing and accountability for injury created by that drug is critical. The fact that vaccines can injure and kill is well-supported by mounds of data and an abundance of anecdotal evidence. And injury is not “rare”.
“Safe and Effective” is a marketing slogan, not a statement of fact.
Dorothy Diana • Jun 25, 2019 at 12:46 pm
Autism is one of many concerns that vaccine injury can lead to. Autism is really just a set of symptoms indicating neurological dysfunction. Vaccine injury can absolutely cause this. It sounds like you’re citing some extreme examples you’ve heard on mass media or rumored but you haven’t actually done your research. Your kids are vaccinated if they are autistic I guarantee.
Boon • Jun 25, 2019 at 11:21 am
Very well said.
Eve Reiland • Jun 25, 2019 at 9:41 am
Vaccines do not cause autism. Antivaxxers who eschew vaccines based on this fear also harm their children by ‘leeching out’ the toxic harm from their vaccine-injured brains by giving them industrial strength bleach (MMS), turpentine, chelation, harmful diets and worse. How about you ask the Autistic community about the harm done to us by the AntiVaxxers and their mistruths all these years. How about that side of the story you all seem to forget, or imagine, doesn’t exist. We are so tired of this nonsense in our name harming children and vulnerable people with preventable diseases. I am Autistic and a parent to Autistics. You have nothing fair and balanced to this story — you’ve only ganked money from vunerable parents, created hate waves against the autistic community, battle us for our civil rights and human rights, use us as lab experiements in your kitchens, and we get to watch families suffer losing their loved ones and babies in the name of “Autism.” How about you start looking at the harm this caused an entire minority of people you don’t SPEAK for. How about our lack of health care and access to basic ER and other services? How about Autistic healthcare … why are we on this nonsense created by conspiracy imaginations? Talk to Autistic people – who do you think helped get Wakefield kicked off … and who’s been fighting this horror of lies all these decades? We have. Where’s that story?
Kera Morris • Jun 25, 2019 at 12:46 pm
Hi Eve.
Having edited this piece I’ve read it rather thoroughly and don’t see what part of the article it is you’re taking to be either totally anti-vaccine or in the “vaccines cause autism” camp.
Personally, I’m pro-vaccine and completely agree with you, but you’re shadowboxing an argument that hasn’t been made in this particular article. While the op-ed isn’t exactly even-handed, op-eds usually aren’t, and Grundmann discusses the positive aspects and major boons vaccines brought to our society.
We regularly run stories written by contributors, if you’d like to try your hand at writing the article you’d like to see run here. If you’re interested, email me at [email protected]. I’ll be publishing contributor articles through July.
Thank you for speaking up about an issue many are passionate about.