The Newlywed Game Meets ACC
Do you like game shows? How about the Newlywed Game? If you said yes, then you would’ve loved ACC’s Affection Connection, which was hosted on Valentine’s Day by Student Life. The game was modeled straight after the classic TV game show, with its own twists. The host, our very own Jeff Duggan from the marketing department, asked three pairs of contestants six questions about their partner. If their answers matched, they got 10 points. The couples competed for a traditional box of chocolates, a lovely stuff animal and a pink chalice of victory.

Student Life wanted to stress that Valentine’s Day isn’t just for sappy couples insufferably posting pictures of roses and chocolates on Instagram. It is a day of love and caring between everyone. Partners of all kinds were asked to participate: lovers, best friends, coworkers, even someone you just met walking to the cafe!

“It’s important to note, Valentine’s Day isn’t just about romantic partners. It’s about healthy relationships with those you work with, those you spend time with, and those you are intimate with. And what it comes down to is communication,” announced Duggan.

In fact, out of the many pairs of contestants that played over four rounds, only one pair was a romantic couple. Every other pair were either friends or coworkers.
But who won?
If you guessed the couple, you’d be absolutely wrong. It was the pair of friends who took home the prizes.
The event brought a lot out of people and rallied some students up to get them in the Valentine’s Day spirit. Laughs ensued, secrets were uncovered, and lots of candy was consumed. Until next time, keep communicating and don’t forget to get your pets spayed or neutered.