Through the Lens: COVID-19 Changes The Way We Fly
Denver International Airport Now A Ghost Town Due To COVID-19
Image via Zoe Wells
The security line was nearly empty during a usually busy time on November 1st.
Denver International Aiport (D.I.A.) was eerily quiet on November 1st due to COVID-19 cases. Masks, social distancing, and closed-kiosks are now in effect while the airport staff tries to help everyone stay safe. Bars covered the usually bright-lit stores throughout the main security checkpoint, and people were seated away from each other. With Colorado surpassing 100,000 cases on October 28th, the thought of flying out of state to get away has lost its appeal. The people who were still willing to travel bared masks, hand sanitizers, and paranoia as they headed through security. To ease some of the stress, D.I.A. is offering a service called VeriFly which allows you to make a reservation at TSA and get a limited capacity car for your journey through the airport. Below are some of the most telling moments of how this pandemic has caused disruption to our beloved airport:

Zoë is a first year student at ACC who is pursuing a journalism career. She has been a Colorado native all her life, and she has won the Gold Key award in the Scholastic Art and Writing Contest for her photography. She wants to write...