Faces of ACC

Image via Colorado Community College System
“I see that guy all the time,” you might think, seeing someone day-in and day-out semester after semester.
There are plenty of full-time staff that students often see but may not know. Well, now you’ll have some names to attach to those faces.

Shawn Lechuga poses near the new TRX machine in the ACC Fitness Center on Tuesday, Oct. 2 2018.
“ACC is a very diverse population of people… there are people ranging from sixteen to ninety-seven years old!” says Shawn Lechuga, Facilities Coordinator and personal trainer.
One of the things that impresses him most is seeing how well all those generations get along in the Fitness Center. As he sees it, his role in this community is to help—not just through tips on working out, but also on nutrition and through just talking, making that personal connection. “I learn their stories, and share mine. It’s very therapeutic.”
On a more personal level, Shawn loves baseball and spending quality time at home with his family. “I follow the Rockies… but I really love that time with my family, my extended family… my kids, watching them grow up.”
“I wish students knew more about the Fitness Center,” he says. “It’s a constant problem; the gym is like a hidden gem. Some people finish a two-year degree and never knew we were here.”

Kendra Hawkins hangs out in the cardio zone in the Fitness Center on Thursday, Oct. 4 2018.
Kendra Hawkins is the Fitness Center Coordinator. “The culture here is dynamic and diverse,” says Hawkins. “All age groups, all educational endeavors.”
Her role, as she sees it, is to provide a way for her students and trainees to gain strength and overall well-being.
“I wish students knew the importance of physical fitness… its role in mental energy and learning capacity,” she says. “Big connection there!”
In her spare time, Kendra likes to paddle board and kayak.

Charlie Owen stakes out his favorite spot in the ACC Library on Wednesday, Oct. 3 2018.
Charlie Owen, our Reference and Instruction Librarian, says the culture at ACC is open, inclusive, and it’s a great place to work. “My role in that is that I try to help facilitate that, to be as open and honest as possible with students, staff and faculty.”
Charlie wants to let you know that “it’s okay to ask questions! It’s okay to not know the answers to things; that’s why we’re here.”
In his free time, the librarian’s favorite hobbies aren’t too surprising. “I like to read, obviously,” laughs Charlie. “I like to spend time with my dog, my family. I recently took up fly fishing. In general I like to be outside as much as possible.”

Lisa Blake shows off some handy reference material on Thursday, Oct. 4 2018.
Lisa Blake, ACC’s Head Reference and Archives Librarian, wants to let you know she’s here to help you. “That’s our job,” she says. “We’re here for research help… and we’re friendly!”
Lisa views ACC as very community based and collaborative and says the library’s capacity to help isn’t limited to English and Literature students. “History, Econ, Business… I work with faculty on assignments to give tips and tricks [that will] help students.”
In her spare time, Lisa is definitely all about the live music scene and going to concerts whenever possible, but… “I just had a baby, so now it’s family time.”

Paul Bosworth takes a moment for a chat by the ACC Summit Room on Thursday, Oct. 4 2018.
Always offering a smile and hello, Paul Bosworth is part of the custodial service. “It’s a wonderful campus,” he says. “I’m encouraged to see these kids go forward in this community and beyond.” Paul’s biggest piece of advice for staff and students alike here as we scurry from classroom to classroom is frank. “Be a good friend—big smile, just have fun and do what you can. Enjoy it!”
Some of Paul’s favorite pastimes include baseball, especially rooting for the Rockies. But beyond sports, he loves studying the American Civil War and brushing up on his American Sign Language skills. “I also love to travel by train,” he enthuses. Amtrak or bust!

Kera is a touch neurotic and thinks all of you are fascinating from a distance. She's spent a lot of time studying psychology and the sciences. Writing, however, has decided it's tired of being relegated to the dark recesses of the...
Sandy Grahan • Oct 27, 2018 at 3:32 pm
I graduated in 2011. I miss seeing Paul! He was always a big help when I needed him. Always made my day better to have a chat with Paul.
Stella • Oct 25, 2018 at 3:39 pm
It’s always pleasant talking to you Paul in between classes.
Josie • Oct 14, 2018 at 8:08 am
What a great article!! :-))
Danielle Staples • Oct 13, 2018 at 5:12 pm
You add a smile to my day, every day. I hope you get your favorite Lego set for Christmas this year!