ACC Hosting Spring Fling This Week
Image via Lillian Fuglei
ACC students challenged each other with their basketball skills. Taken April 20, 2022.
Arapahoe Community College (ACC) will be hosting the end-of-semester Spring Fling on April 19 at the Littleton Campus from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m., and April 18 at the Sturm Collaboration Campus from noon to 3 p.m.
For the Littleton Spring Fling, different activities will be located all over campus. On the south lawn, there will be kickball and a water balloon fight, at the north entrance there will be some games where students can win ACC accessories, a virtual reality set up to play games on in the Student Lounge, volleyball nets in the Fitness Center and there will be a chalk art contest outside of the Student Activities office.
There will be food trucks as well, such as Mile High Cheesteaks and Colorado Pig Rig barbeque, with gluten and dairy-free options. The Sturm Campus will have minute-to-win-it games, a VR set, and food trucks as well. The food is free to any student who participates in the activities. Last year’s Spring Fling brought almost 300 students.
“It’s kind of a wrap up of the semester, kind of letting students know like, ‘hey, come relax here before you go into finals,’ Because this being like in the middle of April, literally I think the week following, y’all gotta start kinda easing into finals,” said LaMario Fortson, the coordinator of student involvement for Student Life at ACC. “And this is just a way for the institution to kinda reward the students for the hard work that they have had over the semester.”
At either campus, students just need to go up to any of the stands and the person there will explain the games and food to them. There will be a sign-in sheet to check in to the event. ACC has a sign-up genius for staff to sign up to organize the event. If students are interested in volunteering to organize the event, they may contact Fortson at his email [email protected].