Throwback Thursday: THESE ARE YOUR BITCHES!


Editor’s Note: This story originally ran on Nov. 20, 1975, in the Rapp Street Journal, ACC’s student newspaper at the time. The author, John F Hall, is not the John Hall who currently works at ACC. 

Dear ACC;

It should be brought to your attention that there is a “Bitch Box” on the table in the second floor lobby. This box has been placed there for your use, so please use it. It doesn’t bite.

In the week that the “Bitch Box” has been in that location, the Student Senate has received quite a few complaints. These are the major subjects so far:

  1. How the budget for vocational students is proportioned to the general studies students.
  2. The proportioning of the number of students – general studies to vocational studies.
  3. An explanation of certain discrepancies, such as the cutbacks in the biology department despite a larger numbers of students in this department over last year and where the silk screening machine that was to be purchased for the art department is.
  4. What can be done about the ping pong tables in the cafeteria. The students are displeased at finding little white balls in their food.
  5. Why the labyrinth isn’t open regular school hours as well as at night.
  6. Why aren’t there counselors available at night for night students.
  7. We would like to have an itemized account on what student tuition and fees are being spent and by whom.
  8. What are the qualifications for becoming a teacher or instructor at ACC.
  9. Why isn’t there a gym at ACC.
  10. Why isn’t there adequate parking available.
  11. Why isn’t the snow and ice cleared from the parking lot and sidewalks. Many handicapped students are having difficulties getting into the school.
  12. Who is Bob Mammen and where is he.
  13. Why are students being issued 2 and 3 parking tickets per day when there isn’t adequate parking.
  14. Why do the toilet stall doors open inward when they should open outward.
  15. Why doesn’t ACC have any left-handed desks for left-handed students.
  16. Why aren’t there more good Rock groups or bands.
  17. If you have something to say on any of these subjects or another subject you think needs investigation, please put your comments and complaints in the “Bitch Box”. The Student Senate realizes that this box is not a solution to the problems, but it is the only way we can identify the things that bother you. In this way, we hope to make the Student Senate serve the students better.

Thank you for your ‘bitches’.

Jon F Hall