Congress and Cabinet Watch
Series Volume 1
Congress was on recess in August. Now back after the Labor Day holiday, they face critical deadlines, which will require House of Representative Members, Senators, and the President to act rationally and in the best interest of the people.
President Trump, for example, has threatened to shut down the government from functioning if Congress Members will not vote to fund the new border wall he insists upon having built. It did not stop the President from exploiting the issue, but everyone knew that Mexico is not paying for a wall.
Will Congress allow funding for Trump’s border wall?
President Trump and the current Republican Majority Congress also want to begin debating “tax-reform” and “infrastructure investment plans”. As reported, and per Transportation Secretary Elaine Chao, there is a $1-trillion, 10-year infrastructure that Republicans will unveil this fall.
President Trump also has a secret plan; he says he will reveal it soon.
Democrats have had a nation-wide infrastructure plan ready to go for 8 years or more. According to some investigative journalists, the reason why Republicans block it time after time is that they want to privatize the deals in their plan.
In the Republican plans, as in Wisconsin for example, the words “tax credit and incentives” means privatize and sell the projects, such as toll roads, to private contractors who would then own and profit from the project–the road, bridge, public lands, or monument.
Since that contractor would then own the projects they build, and the people would no longer own them, what voice would the people have then to control the toll fees and uses of the lands?
Meanwhile, President Trump has a Cabinet in place, tasked with attempting to carry out his agenda, which is listed on the White House website as follows:
America First Energy Plan
America First Foreign Policy
Bringing Back Jobs and Growth
Making Our Military Strong Again
Rebuilding America’s Infrastructure
Repeal and Replace Obamacare
Standing up for Our Law Enforcement Community
Trade Deals that Work for All Americans
The public is beginning to see what President Trump’s vague agenda items mean, and people are becoming familiar with some of the Cabinet Members attempting to carry out the President’s agenda.
All the President’s Cabinet:
Michael R. Pence, Vice President,
Rex W. Tillerson, Secretary of State,
Steven T. Mnuchin, Secretary of the Treasury,
James Mattis, Secretary of Defense,
Jeff Sessions, Attorney General,
Ryan Zinke, Secretary of the Interior,
Sonny Perdue, Secretary of Agriculture,
Wilbur L. Ross, Jr., Secretary of Commerce,
Alexander Acosta, Secretary of Labor,
Thomas Price, Secretary of Health and Human Services,
Benjamin S. Carson, Sr., Secretary of Housing and Urban Development,
Elaine L. Chao, Secretary of Transportation,
James Richard Perry, Secretary of Energy,
Elisabeth Prince DeVos, Secretary of Education,
David J. Shulkin, Secretary of Veterans Affairs,
John F. Kelly,White House Chief of Staff,
Robert Lighthizer, U.S. Trade Representative,
Daniel Coats, Director of National Intelligence,
Nikki R. Haley, Representative of the United States to the United Nations,
Mick Mulvaney, Director of the Office of Management and Budget,
Agency Mike Pompeo, Director of the Central Intelligence,
Scott Pruitt, Administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency,
Linda E. McMahon, Administrator of the Small Business Administration,

Vicki is a Denver native and has always lived in Colorado. She has returned to Arapahoe Community College (ACC) again to obtain a degree in Journalism. In 2007, she received her A.A.S. in Paralegal Studies at ACC.
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