Communications major Brooke Krencik enjoys reading and creating


Humans of ACC is a series of Q&A presentations about students, faculty and staff. 

Today’s focus is on Brooke Krencik, current student at ACC.

Arapahoe Pinnacle: What has been your favorite class at ACC so far and why did you enjoy it so much?

Brooke Krencik: I would say World Mythology has been my favorite thus far. I learned something new every day in that class. Though I have to give credit to my instructor, she was very enthusiastic, which made coming to class enjoyable.

AP: You recently moved to Colorado, have you noticed any difference between here and where you used to live?

BK: Yes snow. Lots and lots of snow. I’ve never had to deal with it before so I’m still adjusting to it. Everyone is really courteous here, especially when driving. I think some people would disagree with me, but coming from California –  it’s pretty chill here. Also, we don’t have King Soopers in California. I was a bit confused when my family mentioned it, I was like, “What the hell is a King Soopers?” So weird.

AP: What kind of hobbies and activities do you enjoy in your spare time?

BK: In my spare time, I’m usually reading. I probably read too much, to be honest. I enjoy drawing and painting, it’s my preferred stress relief.  When the weather is good I love being outside, be it walking, hiking, or just laying out.

AP: How did you decide on your major, and what do you plan on doing with it after you graduate?

BK: I’ve changed my major a few times, and right now it’s communications. I chose it because the outlook is promising, but I’m not too concerned with it. I’m still trying to figure out what I want to do, and I’m keeping my options open.

AP: What cereal best describes you as a person?

BK: Oh jeez, maybe Frosted Flakes? I’m positive, outgoing, and I think that encompasses Tony the Tiger.