ACC Disc Golf League’s Official Start to the Season
On April 7th, 2021, the ACC Disc Golf League held its first official tee time of the season from 3 P.M to 5 P.M where students needing to borrow discs could come and rent them out. The league is a self-paced contest where contestants play a round at their own leisure every week and submit their scorecards online. Put together by ACC Student Life Coordinator Brian Bator, the league hopes to draw those with a competitive itch, like himself, or just spark an opportunity for connection. Bator said “I am a very competitive person and find value in competition. I wanted to add that element to the league in hopes of drawing students who might also have that itch, while still maintaining the element of joy that comes from playing games and trying new things.” Bator adds, “rounds are generally played in groups of four so there is potential for making new friends or just enjoying ones you already have.”
The disc golf league also offers convenient flexibility to the environment of the Covid-19 pandemic. “Covid-19 forced us to make some slight adjustments for safety but is almost the perfect sport for the circumstances. It is easy to socially distance and not touch other players equipment, it’s outside, and cheap to pick up!” Bator said. The honor based online scorecard was an on-the-fly adjustment to the circumstances of the pandemic, but Bator warns anyone who may shave a few points off their score, “you better bring you’re “A” game for the final tournament because, depending on enough participation, the last round will be a group round including anyone who turned in at least two scores during the season! There won’t be anywhere to hide the lies!”
Disc golf enthusiast Kyle Welsing, who helped install the course at ACC, has noticed an increase in popularity in the sport since the pandemic restrictions began back in March of 2020. “Since it’s a free sport, everyone has been playing” he adds, “it’s free and you can do it on your own time.”
For anyone on the fence about giving disc golf a try, Welsing says, “Do it. (because) it’s a community outing and a way to physically express in a time where there’s not always a gym readily available.”
If you are interested in joining ACC’s Disc Golf League, and would like more information on the event, contact ACC Student Life Coordinator Brian Bator. If you need to borrow equipment, you can do so by setting a tee time from 3:00 P.M to 5:00 P.M here. Submit your scorecard for each week here.

Cory Porter was born and raised on the Chesapeake Bay of Maryland. A sports fanatic with a passion for writing. While he enjoys all sports, baseball is his favorite. He moved to Colorado in 2016 with his family and has lived here ever...