Arapahoe Community College Lock Out
ACC Campus Police Protect Students From Disruption And Person Of Interest
On November 17th at 7:29 pm, Arapahoe Community College (ACC) sent out an email notification saying the campus was on lockout. Lockout procedures at ACC consist of all doors being locked, classes continuing as usual, and regular updates on the situation.
Due to Littleton Police in the area, the school was put on lockout lasting an estimated 30 minutes. At 8:07 pm, the email notification that the campus was all-clear came in. The last lockout was on October 28th, which the reasoning for was not specified. ACC Campus Police ensure safety through many different routes such as the notification system used tonight.
When ACC Campus Police were asked about specific reasoning, they commented, “We didn’t want to disrupt students.” Campus Police also said that there was a person of interest about three blocks away from the school campus in the Littleton Downtown Area. No other information was specified on the situation with the person of interest.

Zoë is a first year student at ACC who is pursuing a journalism career. She has been a Colorado native all her life, and she has won the Gold Key award in the Scholastic Art and Writing Contest for her photography. She wants to write...