Super Tuesday is Here
Students of ACC weigh in on the candidates they support
Image via Jake Smith
Jaymes Grundmann (right) interviewing an ACC student during Super Tuesday on March 3, 2020.
On Mar. 3 2020, 14 states and one territory held their primary elections. The stakes were high for the Democratic candidates, as an abundance of delegates were on the line. On Sunday, there were only seven candidates still in the running for the Democratic Party. By Super Tuesday the race was down to five. President Donald Trump was expected to be the Republican choice. The Pinnacle spoke to various students and faculty at Arapahoe Community College to see which way people were leaning. A surprising number of people said they would be voting for Bernie Sanders. A fair amount of people were going to continue their support for current president, Donald Trump. One person said their candidate has already dropped from the race, and one of the librarians wanted to stress the importance of voting. The small sample size taken here at the school reflected the Colorado primary results as Bernie Sanders won the state in a landslide victory.
The states holding their primaries today are; Alabama, Arkansas, California, Colorado, Maine, Massachusetts, Minnesota, North Carolina, Oklahoma, Tennessee, Texas, Utah, Vermont and Virginia. American Samoa is the one territory that will vote today. 1,344 delegates are up for grabs.

Jake Smith is a second year Journalism student at ACC. He spent nine years in the U.S. Army where he was stationed in Georgia and Texas with deployments to Afghanistan and Eastern Europe. Jake grew up in Littleton and decided to attend...

Jaymes Grundmann is a second year ACC and Editor-in-Chief of the Arapahoe Pinnacle. He’s a musician who’s been featured on 11 albums and has been playing shows across the country with his band Short Fuse 59. He’s also deeply...