Through the Lens: 2018 Spring Transfer Fair
Image via Rachel Lorenz
Erica Lefeave and Kate Seppala speak with Xander Elea, first-year student at Arapahoe Community College, about the engineering programs offered at the University of Colorado Denver during the Spring Transfer Fair in Littleton, Colo. on Tuesday, Feb. 27, 2018. Over 35 transfer advisors from local and national four-year universities were available to speak with students.
Erica Lefeave and Kate Seppala speak with Xander Elea, first-year student at Arapahoe Community College, about the engineering programs offered at the University of Colorado Denver during the Spring Transfer Fair in Littleton, Colo. on Tuesday, Feb. 27, 2018. Over 35 transfer advisors from local and national four-year universities were available to speak with students.

With a thirst for knowledge that just can’t be satiated, Rachel Lorenz is pursuing journalism as a first-year student at ACC. The field allows her to explore a variety of interests and continue to be a life-long learner. Rachel loves...