Tutors help with the right way to write, speak, brainstorm
Image via Savannah Putman
The newly remodeled Writing Center still is in the Library
Writing is a powerful tool, and ACC’s Writing Center can help you use it even more wisely.
Trained, supportive tutors work one-on-one with students at all skill levels, from any class and at any stage of the writing process – all at no charge. The center is part of ACC’s effort to help students succeed.
It isn’t limited to its newly remodeled Littleton location. Tutors also visit the Parker and Castle Rock locations often, and are available with a 72-hour response time through email at [email protected].
Tutors can help with pretty much anything that involves writing for classes, including sentence structure, grammar and punctuation.
But that’s not all.
The tutors can help you with the formatting to meet instructors’ requirements, using almost any style. If you are having trouble with public speaking, tutors can serve as your rehearsal audience. Additionally, they will help with brainstorming ideas and topics for an assignment, task planning and outlining, organizing your writing, revising your work, understanding grammatical issues and patterns of error, as well as learning how to self-identify and revise on your own.
“They can even help you write a letter home to mom about your student success,” said Angela Wissmueller, a tutor.
But the center won’t do your homework for you. Rather, it will help you do your own, and help you learn to proofread your papers more effectively.
“It isn’t all about the technical stuff, but also helping students think,” Wissmueller said. If you don’t know what you’re going to write about, this is a great place to start.
At the center, the personal touches might ultimately work best. Tutors are there to help with resources, and can provide a sympathetic ear to any doubts a student might have about writing issues.
Frankie Smith-Angell, a student who has used the center, praised the help she received. “It was nice to get an audience opinion so that I could put that perspective into my paper,” she said, rating her contact with the center as “exceedingly helpful.”
Here are details:
• Face-to-face tutoring, Littleton: Monday-Thursday, 10 a.m.-7 p.m.; Friday, 9 a.m.-1 p.m.
• Face-to-face tutoring, Parker: Wednesdays, 3-5 p.m.; Thursdays, 5-7 p.m.
• Face-to-face tutoring, Castle Rock: Wednesdays, noon-2 p.m.
• Online tutoring through the D2L system: Always available with a 24-hour turnaround.
• WebEx (online) Tutoring: Available with 72-hour notice.
You may contact the center, which is coordinated by Jason Schlueter, at 303-797-5893, or [email protected] .
If you have any more questions, check out the center’s FAQ.
Students are limited to two appointments per week, and may book only one appointment at a time.