MyACC Gets a Facelift

If you’ve gone onto the myACC page recently, you may have noticed a slight change. . .  

The entire portal was updated on Sunday, March 12, in order to make the myACC page more user friendly.  

The new dashboard is the first page you see when you sign into the portal. You can do things like: access your course(s), check your grades, check your email, pay a bill, view your financial aid, and many other things that you use regularly. 

In addition to accessing services from the dashboard, you can also select a page on the top menu that suits your needs. These pages look similar to the old myACC to keep some consistency.  

The entire portal has been updated. In addition to the new landing page, users now have the ability to perform a web content search on each page and toggle between institutions from the “Go To” link on the top right. 

Stuart Boyd is the myACC administrator and worked extensively on this project for the students and staff.  “The main goal with the Dashboard is to provide all users (students, employees, and faculty) with quick access to what is most commonly utilized in the portal.”  

The change is bigger than most people originally thought it was going to be. ACC belongs to the Colorado Community College System, a network of 13 community colleges from around the area. The new design was system-wide, which means all 13 colleges changed up their portal’s look.  

Though the portal is new, it’s not 100% perfect yet. “For now, our focus is making sure the various tools in the portal are working properly and users are able to access what they need to be successful in their courses or at work.” The old technology was outdated and required an update to function properly for current and future students.  

“This is a major tech project and work in progress,” Boyd said, “I am thankful we have a supportive student, faculty, and staff base that understands a project of this magnitude requires patience and understanding – especially when something isn’t working properly or how it formerly worked.” 

It has been about a month since the initial “revamp,” but things seem to have been running smoothly thus far.