Bob Harper of NBC’s Biggest Loser Sidelined by Heart Attack and How You Can Improve Your Own Heart Health
Take this Traumatic Example as a Warning; Change your Cardiovascular Outlook with these Few Simple Steps
When fitness specialist Bob Harper was hospitalized roughly two weeks ago, nobody in their right mind would believe it was due to a heart attack. The host of NBC’s Biggest Loser is only 51 years young, which makes this traumatic event more of a harsh reminder to keep heart health a priority.
Harper was very fit, yet even he can check the heart attack box off his to-do list. In his case, some blame may be attributed to what Harper calls bad genetics. Per the American Heart Association, children of parents who have heart disease are more likely to develop it themselves. Nevertheless, there are small changes you can implement every day that may add some beats to your ticker.
One of the easiest risk factors to address is being overweight. Obesity is directly associated with diabetes and other risk factors that can increase the likelihood of a cardiac episode. Increasing physical activity is a manageable task that can reduce the odds of experiencing what Harper realized can happen to anybody. With a cleaner diet, exercise can reshape your health profile and lessen the likelihood of bad heart health.
Adding in some key food choices can go a long way toward boosting your health via changing cholesterol levels and adding vital omega- three- fatty acids to your body. And if you love sushi, you are in luck. Fish high in fat often contain a great number of omegas, and aid in other organs throughout your body. Memory and brain function also benefit from an increase of omega threes, as well as joint health.
Swap your canola oil out for olive oil. This easy step has been shown by researchers to give the body important fats that raise “good cholesterol” (HDL). In a study done at the Instituto de Salud Carlos III in Barcelona, nuts like almonds and walnuts were shown to lower LDL (“bad cholesterol”) by roughly 7.4%.
And probably the most attractive to a lot of readers is red wine! That’s right. In a 2003 Harvard study, scientists concluded that moderate drinkers of red wine are 35% less likely to experience a heart attack.
If some of those culinary tweaks are off the table, then consider an omega supplement found at any superstore to bolster cardiovascular health. Try doing as little as 20 minutes per day of exercise. If it is another underlying cause, like diabetes that is putting you at risk, seek a medical professional for further advice. Whatever you do, make changes to better yourself, as Harper’s incident showcased a lesson everyone should take to heart.