The Good, The Bad, and the Ugly
ACC’s Fall Semester Comes to a Close
One more day. It will be long, and it will be hard, but chances are that is all you have left, ACC students, before you switch into caroling mode and get your best lineup of ugly sweaters ready for the holiday festivities. Before one of the longest days of your entire life arrives, take a minute to reflect on the good, the bad, and the ugly of your past semester.
Maybe it was just the number of tests taken, or papers written, or classes attended, but something about this fall was a real hair-puller.
You too, teachers. Go ahead and reflect. Don’t worry, the number of papers and tests and classes taught are behind you, and they are definitely enough to drop a few tears of joy about. Enjoy that last Monday morning cup of jo this week before next semester creeps up.
Above all else, appreciate your reflection. Reflect on your highs, your lows, and everything in between. It is those very hardships and triumphs that are shaping you more than any grading criteria could ever dream of.
Personally, this semester has stretched me far thinner than expected. I mean, we’re talking cellophane, soap bubble, packing tape thin. My soul was smeared across every article written, ACC, and for that I have no regrets. Hopefully when you read my writing next spring, you read it from Marcus Montoya, father of two, and huge Oakland Raiders fan, rather than Marcus Montoya, reporter.
This semester made me feel like ACC family more than just an ACC student, and hopefully you can say the same.
It’s been real my fellow students, and it’s been fun. Until next time, study buddies.
Marcus Montoya is an aspiring journalist at Arapahoe Community College. While majoring in Journalism and Contemporary Media, he plans on covering sports, as well as health and wellness. Check in weekly to get the scoop on this week’s...