ACC is helping raise awareness about sexual assault all April
Rape, on college campuses, has been a growing concern over the years and, while we may not have to worry about it much here, it’s something we all need to be informed about.
ACC is here to help and throughout the end of April,which is Sexual Assault Awareness Month, there will be certain events to help bring the reality of sexual violence to the forefront of our minds.
Is it an uncomfortable topic? Yes. But, it’s the kind of uncomfortable that we need, and a topic that we all need to know about.
The first of these events is the Clothesline Project which will be held on Monday, April 18, from 10:30 a.m – 2 p.m., in the second floor atrium. People who have been a survivor of sexual violence are invited to take a white t-shirt and write their testimony on them, and non-victims are invited to make a t-shirt in support of these survivors. It’s sure to be a powerful and difficult installment, but it’s something that is necessary. The t-shirts will be displayed April 18 – 22.
The final event is the Consent Carnival, held Thursday, April 21, from 11 a.m. – 2 p.m., in the second floor atrium. It is meant to be an entertaining and interactive way of learning about consent. One of our own Pinnacle staff members won a Kindle at last year’s Consent Carnival.
On Wednesday, April 20, Student Life will host an Ask the Sexperts discussion event in the AC library, from noon – 1:00 p.m.. Sexual health experts will be there to answer any questions you can ask about Sexual Health in a safe and inclusive environment.
Those are the main events happening this month, and are sure to be a powerful educational experience. Sexual violence is a bigger issue than most people realize and hopefully these events can raise more awareness while also showing our support to the survivors of these awful acts.

Timothy Page is a second-year ACC student. He loves all things movies, as well as his Saint Bernard, Nesta. His favorite movie is "Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers." He hasn't seen as much of Alfred Hitchcock as he would like. But...