New technology fee possible at ACC
ACC is proposing a new technology fee starting in the 2016 fall semester. It will be a $25 flat fee per enrolled student per each semester. The vote will go to ACC students beginning April 11, 2016.
“The purpose of the fee is to enhance instructional technology services and infrastructure for students at Arapahoe Community College,” said Lisa Matye Edwards, Vice President for Student Affairs, in her email about the new tech fee.
The new fee will help keep up ACC’s current technology as well as provide for new technology. Better online learning tools and more online access is also a desired benefit of this new technology fee.
“This fee will allow ACC to invest in technology to enhance student learning and assist in preparing students for employment and life in the 21st century,” Matye Edwards said.
For more information, email Lisa Matye Edwards at [email protected].

Tabitha Waite is a staff writer for the Arapahoe Pinnacle. She is studying Journalism Multimedia and is transferring to Colorado State University-Fort Collins this fall. She plans to be a developmental editor for fiction books....