Show your love for ACC Vets at Military Mondays

Come support ACC Veterans Club during their Military Mondays events, held at the 2nd floor Student Lounge from 10 a.m. – noon. The Student Veterans of America Club will be there to discuss membership value and encourage ACC vets to come and check out the resources ACC has to offer.
Not a veteran? Show your support by sporting a FREE patriotic button, handcrafted by members of the SVA. There will be SVA t-shirts available for $20, as well as paracord key-chains and bracelets for sale. All proceeds will go towards Veteran Student Resources and will be used to update and organize the ACC Veteran’s areas.
Military Mondays are part of a continued effort to bring awareness of the SVA Club to ACC veterans. ACC has a number of resources available to our veterans, including a veteran’s study lounge that is exclusively accessible to student veterans via key card.
“We really would love for veterans on campus to reach out to us,” said Dawn Stratton, faculty sponsor for the SVA.
There are currently over 580 students who have accessed their GI Bill at ACC, yet fewer than 30 are involved with the club. Many student veterans may not realize the large number of like-minded peers who are sharing these very halls. That is why spreading the word about SVA is so important.
Membership to the club is not required for ACC veterans to access the resources the SVA has to offer, but even passive membership to the club has its rewards. Exclusive scholarships, professional resources, and a strong sense of community are among the many perks of participating in SVA events.
The members of the ACC Veterans Club are working hard to build a strong foundation and environment for veterans at ACC.
“We’re creating an environment where male and female veterans can feel safe and involved,” said SVA Club President Raquel Casavantes, adding that female veterans can often be overlooked or discounted. She has plans to change that dynamic.
Now that the club is part of the national chapter, its members plan on expanding their efforts into the Littleton community. One way they have achieved this is by hosting a clothing drive for the VA to assist homeless veterans.

Savannah Putman is a second-year Journalism student at ACC and plans to enroll in a four-year university in the Denver area. As a Colorado transplant, she is enthralled with the enriching culture and sense of community that Colorado...