Outlaw Yoga flagship studio opens in Downtown Littleton
At the intersection of Main and Curtice, directly across from Tavern, Outlaw Yoga has opened their Littleton Studio. The studio at 2590 W Main St. is Outlaw’s flagship studio and offers 30 Outlaw Yoga classes a week at a variety of different times.
Outlaw yoga was founded by Justin Kaliszewski and Mark Stefanowski and both accept the unique label pairing of outlaw and yogi. Outlaw Yoga is a style of yoga that Justin has been teaching across the country for years. Outlaw Yoga is about discipline and mindfulness in and out of the studio. Designed for all types of people, Outlaw Yoga is about acceptance as all genders and backgrounds are encouraged to give it a try.
In Colorado, Outlaw Yoga has been offered all over, in places such as Boulder, Denver, and Longmont. Starting as a donation based class, Outlaw Yoga was offered in several studios and even breweries. Now for the first time, Outlaw Yoga has their own studio where it offers the outlaw style of yoga seven days a week. Prices for classes vary depending on membership or drop in status, but Outlaw Yoga Littleton offers the first week of classes for free.
During March 18-20, Outlaw Yoga Littleton will have a power of presence workshop and students only have to pay an $8 drop-in rate. Outlaw Yoga has a founding membership price for their first 108 members. This price of $88 a month is still available as they have not yet filled their founding member quota.
Outlaw Yoga has an online presence on the website yogadownload.com, where classes are listed with descriptions. On this site, you can see which classes are offered and for how long the duration of the class will be. The descriptions are accompanied by specifics on the appropriate level of student for a class, how intense the class is and if any props are used for a particular exercise. Prospective students can watch preview videos and download exercise sheets to practice at home.
Outlaw Yoga also has community events where they take their style of yoga to different locations for a donation based class. During the month of March, there will be three opportunities to join the Outlaw community for yoga at a brewery. March 13 and March 27, Outlaw Yoga is at Oskar Blues Brewery in Longmont at 10:30 a.m.; and on March 20, Outlaw Yoga will be at Sanitas Brewing at 10:30 a.m..
Outlaw Yoga’s donation based classes give 100% of their net proceeds to The Give Back Yoga Foundation. The Give Back Yoga Foundation provides funds to community yoga programs that are under-resourced.

Anthony Silio, a second year student in ACC’s journalism program. Born and raised in Miami, FL., Anthony moved to Denver almost two years ago. He enjoys sports, but has not abandoned his hometown fandom. He would like to continue...