Testing Center provides a place for ACC exams and many others as a convenience to students
ACC’s Testing Center provides a vast array of examinations.
Although their primary testing is for the college placement test, the Testing Center also administers examinations that include HOBET-EMT exams, Hesi-NET-nursing entrance exams, GED-high school equivalency exams, and many more.
Those who do not have the ACT/SAT, CLEP or DSST scores are students who need to take the college placement test. Students can evaluate the need for the test by clicking here. If a student is required to take this test, the Testing Center provides study resources for all who are interested.
The Testing Center also provides instructional testing. This type of testing covers make up exams, accommodation testing, program testing and more.
Students interested in earning their GED need a valid ID and may register, schedule and pay for their test online.
The Testing Center offers services for students needing distraction-free rooms, scribes, readers and specialty computer adaptions like JAWS (Job Access With Speech, a screen-reader), said an information flier from the Testing Center.
A list of the testing options available are below:
• Required college placement tests for all new students attending college
• Instructional exams for ACC students
• TOFL-test of English proficiency for non-English speaking students
• Castle Worldwide testing
• Kryterion professional certification
• Pearson Vue testing
• Utah State and Park White Water Rafting certification
• Comira testing certifications
• GED-high school equivalency exam
• Correspondence for a wide range of Universities
• BYU language assessment
• College ON-line or Correspondence-Distance Learning Exam
• Hesi-NET-nursing entrance exam
• HOBET-EMT exams

Tabitha Waite is a staff writer for the Arapahoe Pinnacle. She is studying Journalism Multimedia and is transferring to Colorado State University-Fort Collins this fall. She plans to be a developmental editor for fiction books....