Review: ‘Room’ is an uplifting, very good story about survival and mother’s love for her child
“Room” is, in my opinion, the best film of the year.
All Jack knows is Room. He was born in it and has spent five years of his life in it. His mom was kidnapped when she was 19 and has spent seven years in Room.
After having Jack, all Ma wants to do is keep him safe and sheltered from the horrors of the world she is living in.
“Big Jack” comes by every now and then, but Jack has never met this man.
Ma always put him in the wardrobe whenever “Big Jack” comes around and makes the bed springs creak.
One day, though, Ma starts telling Jack a story.
Beyond the four walls they’ve been living in, a whole world is out there. Trees aren’t just something on the TV. Birds, planes, squirrels, and just about everything we know is on the other side.
Jack, of course, doesn’t believe Ma, but Ma insists it’s time to leave Room. How can there be anything else? Jack wonders. There is only Room.
“I wish I was four again,” is all Jack can say.
What happens next, you have to see for yourself.
“Room” is absolutely incredible.
It’s heart-breaking and heartwarming.
It’s beautifully shot, fantastically acted, and a very well told movie that, I hope, gets way more buzz come Oscar season.
Having just walked out of this film only hours ago, I can confidently say this is one of the best films of the year.
It’s a story of survival and a mother’s love for her child. As they survive, Ma’s love and devotion for Jack never wanes. Jack, when they leave Room, is experiencing things he’s never seen. Even walking down stairs is a new experience.
The acting is incredible. Brie Larson plays Ma and she gives an Oscar-worthy performance. You see the pain and heartbreak in her, but also hope and happiness. Jack has brought so much into her life – he’s the reason she has held on for so long.
Speaking of Jack: Jacob Tremblay plays this boy, and also gives an Oscar-worthy performance. As he experiences new things, things he never knew were real, he has a look of wonder and fear in his eyes. For being only nine (probably younger when this movie was filmed), he shows a staggering amount of depth and range.
Joan Allen and William H. Macy aren’t the main focus in this film, but they play Ma’s parents, and the pain on their faces seems almost real, too.
There really is not much wrong with this movie. All I can think of is that it gets a little slow about half way through the film. But that’s only a minor complaint in a film that soars in every other aspect.
It’s hard to put every thought I have about this movie in paper without spoiling it, but for such dark themes it manages to be uplifting and hopeful.
For every harrowing and intense moment, many more quiet and sweet moments provide balance. Everything about this film just works, that’s the best way I can put it. It’s simply incredible.
So whether you’re a lover of movies or just a casual film-goer, “Room” should definitely be on your watch list.
Rating: 5/5 An uplifting, fantastically acted and hopeful film. Keep an eye out for this one as Oscar season picks up.

Timothy Page is a second-year ACC student. He loves all things movies, as well as his Saint Bernard, Nesta. His favorite movie is "Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers." He hasn't seen as much of Alfred Hitchcock as he would like. But...