Community Education classes offer a variety for all ages
ACC provides community education classes for the surrounding community, as well as for its students.
“Our students can register online,” said Amelia Rumley Schaar, program manager of the Community Education Program. “Or they can phone in a registration, mail one in, or just walk-in.”
Children as young as eight years old up to senior citizens may sign up for their classes. Younger children can sign up for the private music lessons or the summer youth program. “Anyone can register,” Schaar said.
“We have classes on campus,” Schaar said. Classes are held primarily at the Littleton and Parker campuses, although classes have been offered at the Castle Rock campus. Classes also are held in Hudson Gardens, downtown Littleton, and even schools in Douglas County. Some art classes are held in the instructor’s studios, as well as at Emily Griffith Technical College in downtown Denver.
Community education classes can range from one day to nine weeks and run about two to three hours in length. The online classes are six weeks long. The language classes run longer. Some classes are offered four times a year so if a student can’t make one in the fall, they can take the one in the spring.
“[A student] should sign up if they’re looking for personal enrichment or looking to upgrade a skill,” Schaar said.
Community education can also be used as a refresher, or for a certificate.
Here is a list of the classes offered:
• Business
• Career Focus
• Computers, Tablets, SmartPhones
• Dance, Theatre, Travel
• Drawing, Painting, and More
• Equine Training
GED Test Preparation
• Health, Fitness, Beauty
• Home and Garden
• Language and Culture
• Music
• Online
• Personal Development
• Personal Finance
• Photography
• Writing
• Youth

Tabitha Waite is a staff writer for the Arapahoe Pinnacle. She is studying Journalism Multimedia and is transferring to Colorado State University-Fort Collins this fall. She plans to be a developmental editor for fiction books....