TRiO program helps selected ACC students of many ages
Celebrating its 50th anniversary, TRiO Talent Search is still helping students achieve their life ambitions.
TRiO is not an acronym, but rather a name that highlights the program’s beginnings that offered three primary services to low-income students.
To this day, this program provides opportunities for students as young as middle-school age up to age 27.
Currently, 600 students are enrolled in the program, but TRiO is always looking to help others.
Multiple meetings and workshops are available to provide assistance in several areas:
• Career Exploration
• College Admissions Process
• Educational Field Trips
• College Visits/Tours
• Course Planning
• Financial Aid Planning / Workshops
• Scholarship Information
• Interest Assessments
• Self-Awareness Workshops
• ACT / SAT Fee Waivers
• Access to the Daniel’s Fund Scholarship
As of today, nine schools are being served:
• Englewood Middle School
• Kepner Middle School
• Kunsmiller Creative Arts Academy
• Sheridan Middle School
• Englewood High School
• Sheridan High School
• John F. Kennedy High School
• Abraham Lincoln High School
• South High School
Here’s how you know if you qualify for the program:
• You are enrolled in grades 6-12 or not more than 27 years of age needing help with re-entering a post-secondary school of your choice.
• You are a U.S. citizen or eligible non-citizen (U.S. National; temporary or permanent resident of the U.S.)
• You receive preference if your family income does not exceed guidelines established by the Federal Government.
• Your natural parent(s) have not earned a four-year college/university degree.
More information about TRiO program and a link to the application can be found here.

Tabitha Waite is a staff writer for the Arapahoe Pinnacle. She is studying Journalism Multimedia and is transferring to Colorado State University-Fort Collins this fall. She plans to be a developmental editor for fiction books....