New laws, stricter enforcement can get you in trouble in I-70 corridor
Winter is upon us, and so are the Colorado Department of Transportation’s newly implemented traction and chain laws for the I-70 corridor.
Law enforcement officials plan to strictly enforce them.
If the weather conditions are bad enough for CDOT to issue a Code 15 or 16, all motorists must abide by these laws.
“During an active Traction Law, also known as a Code 15, motorists will need to have either snow tires, tires with the mud/snow (M/S) designation, or a four-wheel drive vehicle — all tires must have a minimum one-eighth inch tread,” according to CDOT’s website.
“During severe winter storms, CDOT will implement a Passenger Vehicle Chain Law, also known as a Code 16 — this is the final safety measure before the highway is closed. During a Passenger Vehicle Chain Law, every vehicle on the roadway is required to have chains or an alternative traction device (like AutoSock- a tire covering that gives added grip on snow and ice),” the CDOT website also said.
If a motorist fails to follow these laws, he or she could be fined more than $130. If a motorist who disregards the law causes an accident or delay, the fine could climb to more than $650.
To check if your tires are in compliance with the Traction Law, the following link: Operation TireSafe

Tabitha Waite is a staff writer for the Arapahoe Pinnacle. She is studying Journalism Multimedia and is transferring to Colorado State University-Fort Collins this fall. She plans to be a developmental editor for fiction books....