ACC’s Response To COVID-19
As we all know, the situation surrounding COVID-19 is a highly volatile one. Considering, doctors are learning new things about the virus every day. The Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment says that an estimated 1 in 40 Coloradans are infected with COVID-19, the highest number to date. With this in mind, Arapahoe Community College (ACC) has decided that all campus buildings will be closed down until further notice, the ACC website states. According to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention, the new quarantine rules are if you have been exposed to somebody who has the virus, then you can stop quarantining after ten days if you develop no symptoms. ACC will also be adapting the CDCs new quarantine requirements. Remember to stay safe and wear your mask!

Daniel Tate, 18, is a first-year college student attending Arapahoe Community College pursuing a journalism major, he has hopes of becoming a professional sports journalist. He has been a Colorado Native all his life, and he also enjoys...