COVID Restriction Update
Image via Unsplash
As COVID-19 cases rise, more and more things are being closed.
On October 26th, 2020, the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment (CDPHE) put new COVID-19 restrictions in place for different cities and counties in Colorado. As of November 2nd, COVID levels had reached 112,147 people with known cases. COVID-19 cases have continued to rise despite efforts to stop the curve, but as public health officials solidify a vaccine, this movement will continue to be uncertain.
Denver County has now moved to the Safer At Home Dial Level 3 public order, causing restaurants and houses of worship to be at 25% capacity, and face coverings are still a must. The term “Dial” on top of the health order means that people who have a severe illness should stay at home but allows other things such as jobs or activities to continue based on levels in other countries. On top of this order, the “Home By 10 pm” public order has now been put in place as well. This order prohibits any travel, alcohol consumption, and many more activities and places to end at 10 pm.
Other counties affected include Boulder, Jefferson, Broomfield, Larimer, Adams, Douglas, Arapahoe, Routt, Summit, Kit Carson, and Mesa counties. At the Tavern, a restaurant close to the Arapahoe Community College campus, take a closer look at the effects this order has had on this usually busy company. “We are doing the best we can to keep our staff safe. We are doing our best to keep our guests safe,” says Kyle Martinez, General Manager from The Tavern next to Arapahoe Community College. “It feels never-ending.” These new orders have affected businesses, restaurants, and so many more industries. As the numbers continue to rise, the question is on everyone’s mind: Will they shut down the city again?

Zoë is a first year student at ACC who is pursuing a journalism career. She has been a Colorado native all her life, and she has won the Gold Key award in the Scholastic Art and Writing Contest for her photography. She wants to write...