How is ACC Helping Those Who Need Mental Health Assistance?
Every day people were being told to not have any physical contact with each other and to wear masks as explained by a variety of websites available; as well as by professors, psychologists, and doctors alike. Because of this, we have also observed an increase in mental health issues over the course of this pandemic.
Arapahoe Community College has decided to provide students with the tools and techniques to help them better cope during this troubling time. The first of these is the student counseling services for students who want an up-close interaction with someone. The Associate Dean of Equity and Compliance, Jennifer Husum, has also provided a series of interactive webinars. There is also a Licensed Clinical Social Worker (LCW), named Lane Trulijjo, practicing as a therapist at Arapahoe Community College. Her areas of expertise include physiological trauma, depression, and anxiety. In the last three seminars, they’ve had 15-25 participants. Husum said the main struggle when using this new medium is, “technology always has limitations, it is hard to gauge participation and engagement when you can’t see an audience.”
As was mentioned webinars ran through Zoom or Webex, which had ACC’s mental health therapist present 30-40 minutes of information, and students also asked many questions via chat about what are the best ways to cope with the coronavirus. Overall, the webinar has been very helpful for students when it comes down to managing anxiety and mental health with each episode going over many different coping mechanisms.
As for making appointments or schedules students can choose from the following options, Students can make an appointment by contacting the Student Engagement Center at 303.797.5730 or [email protected]. And for more information, there is the link on ACC’s webpage.
For additional support there are also a variety of call centers:
Call 1-844-493-8255
303-389-1687 or (877) 462-2911
As asserted by the Dean of Students Office, it has not wavered in it’s commitment to helping students find their success and to support students with a variety of resources and services to help make that possible and to comfort them in any way they can during this crisis and after it. With counseling being one of those many strengths. “If a student is struggling reach out, we will help however we can,” affirms Husum.

Tony is a first-year student at Arapaho Community College currently majoring in journalism and writing stories for The Arapaho Pinnacle.