ACC’s plan to continue education and enhance the community.
Governor Jared Polis has just put out a tentative plan to reopen the state of Colorado. However, with no mention of the schools as of right now, students are left wondering what will happen to their classes if this continues into the fall. The latest update from ACC had this to say:
“Our current schedule of classes for the summer semester will remain as listed, with a mix of online, hybrid, and on-campus courses. While we may need to begin all classes remotely, depending on COVID-19 factors in place at that time, our hope is to be able to bring students in scheduled hybrid and on-campus classes back to campus at some point during the summer.”
ACC is taking steps to bring the community together. A letter written to the community by the President of the school, Dr. Diana M. Doyle, outlines how essential ACC has been in educating students who now reside on the front-lines in the battle against COVID-19. She urges anyone who has been laid off or in need of a career change to research programs at ACC to see how the school can get them back into the workforce through one of the many degrees that the school can offer.
In a recent press conference, Governor Jared Polis has outlined the latest plan for Colorado to re-open. “As it rolls off April 27, we need to figure out how to run the marathon now that we’ve run the sprint,” Polis said. “I hate to break it to you, but the easy part was the sprint.”
He goes on to say that Colorado doesn’t have the tests or resources available to relax social-distancing all that much, and if you’re in a high-risk group, that your May will look a lot like your April.
Even though social-distancing measures will still be in place, the governor will allow some businesses to re-open as soon as the stay-at-home order ends. Retail businesses who want to conduct curbside pickup may do so as soon as Tuesday.
Elective surgeries will also be available to people starting on Apr. 27.
Large workplaces will open at 50 percent capacity starting May 4, with guidelines that they should be conducting symptom and temperature checks for every employee before they enter the building.
Polis said his own goal for bars, restaurants, and clubs to reopen would be mid-May, but that he’d have to wait for data on the effects of other changes to make those decisions.

Jake Smith is a second year Journalism student at ACC. He spent nine years in the U.S. Army where he was stationed in Georgia and Texas with deployments to Afghanistan and Eastern Europe. Jake grew up in Littleton and decided to attend...