Review: Acting, story make ‘Steve Jobs’ a must-see
Steve Jobs passed away in 2011, and he left one of the biggest technological empires behind him.
Soon after, Walter Isaacson’s biography was released, and it offered another look into the man behind the glasses and black turtle neck. He was the only person who was granted access to Steve and all his family. It was the most expensive biography about the man, and probably the only one that can be called official.
Through it, we found that he was a harsh man who expected great things from his workers, but constantly belittled them and cursed them out. He had a daughter that he denied was his for almost 19 years, and sometimes he left people in the dust. He created things, and he was a great man who did great things. But was he a good one?
The movie opens in 1984 before the reveal of the original Macintosh computer, jumps to 1988 to the reveal of the failed NeXT computer and concludes in 1998 at the reveal of the iMac computer.
Throughout the film people are constantly jumping in and out of Steve’s life, and he’s trying to manage it all. It takes some dramatic license and does ask you to believe that all these people would all suddenly want something from Steve right before an important event, but it works.
The script and acting are all incredible, and it’s a two-hour film that doesn’t even remotely feel that long. It keeps a pace going throughout the entire movie that is almost breakneck at times.
Michael Fassbender (“12 Years a Slave”) is fantastic as Jobs, while Ashton Kutcher was an almost carbon copy of Jobs in his movie ‘Jobs.’
The script left something to be desired, but here Fassbender looks almost nothing like Jobs – but you believe it’s him. He’s cold when he needs to be and warm when it’s right.
Fassbender’s Irish accent slips out here and there, but he is just so darn good, it’s easy to excuse. Seth Rogan plays Steve Wozniak, the man who helped create Apple but was alienated, and also is incredible.
He pulls off a serious role very well, and makes me want to see more dramatic roles from him instead of more Stoner Comedies.
Aaron Sorkin’s script is worth a mention here. In case you don’t know who he is: He wrote “The Social Network,” “Moneyball” and “A Few Good Men” (some of my favorite movies). It’s a script that is just electric and kept me glued to the screen. For a movie that is nothing but conversation, it never gets boring and never drags.
I’ll just say it: “Steve Jobs” is an incredible movie. It’s funny, dramatic, uncomfortable, but it’s also enjoyable.
It does assume you know things about Steve’s life and Apple, but it never makes you feel out of the loop and confused.
Fassbender is incredible and the whole cast around him is great. That said, it isn’t for everyone. If you aren’t into dialogue-based films, this one might not be your thing. If you don’t mind dialogue-driven films and are curious about this movie, go watch it. It’s a fantastic look at the man behind Apple.
Rating: 5/5 A well-acted, well directed and fantastically written movie.

Timothy Page is a second-year ACC student. He loves all things movies, as well as his Saint Bernard, Nesta. His favorite movie is "Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers." He hasn't seen as much of Alfred Hitchcock as he would like. But...