(Full Disclosure as work study at ACC)
DiscoverACC is an event at Arapahoe Community College twice every year, once each semester. It went from 9:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. and was held at the Littleton campus this semester.
When asked what DiscoverACC was, Jennifer Sheldon, who has been working at ACC’s administration said, “DiscoverAcc is a special day presentation for high school students primarily, along with the fall session being for juniors and seniors. It introduces students to our academic pathways, and shows them our campus to give them a feel for what it would be like to go to school at ACC”
Sheldon also mentioned there were at least 25 different high schools represented with Brady high school bringing fifty students to the event.
ACC’s staff and faculty waited downstairs for their arrival in the Summit Room while the high school students received their gifts upstairs.
The students visited with various stands that represented different options offered at ACC including Concurrent Enrollment and Study Abroad. After thirty minutes, the visiting high school students got to listen to various representatives of ACC who gave speeches.
Sheldon said the people who spoke were; Lisa Matye-Edwards, the Vice president of student affairs, Dr. Diana Doyle, ACC’s president and Howard Fukaye from admissions, as well as Jazmyne Lewis
There were three different breakout sessions, two main for most that had a variety of different instructors and faculty; Along with one extended session at the Art and Design Center.
The students all seemed to be enjoying themselves and got a great opportunity to learn all about ACC. The atmosphere was relaxed as students got to enjoy the different programs and avenues they were interested in at ACC.
Before the sessions, they listened to a panel which included different voices from ACC. After lunch students were finished, and they went back on their various buses after an eventful day. It gave students a good feel for Arapahoe Community College.

Gus Oswald is a Journalism major who loves sports. Gus especially enjoys writing about: basketball, baseball, and football.