Faces of ACC – The Welcome Desk
Image via Jaymes Grundmann
Jennifer Sheldon (left) and Charles Frank (middle) and Howard Fukaye (right, not featured in this article) working behind the ACC Welcome Center Desk in the midst of their many daily duties. Image via Jaymes Grundmann
Every day students hurry past the entrance and the Welcome Desk on their way to and from class, walking past the familiar faces they’ve never seen before. The Arapahoe Community College Welcome Desk is always there to greet students and faculty and offer help as needed. The Welcome Desk serves as a resource for all things ACC, from asking directions to coordinating events.
Jennifer Sheldon is one of the many faces familiar to those who stroll past on their way to class. She’s a graduate from ACC, having previously worked with the webmaster while enrolled, and has returned to work here after transferring to CSU-Fort Collins.
“When I saw the job opportunity come up here I was excited,” she said happily. Being a communication specialist, she creates a lot of the emails that are sent out to faculty and students. She also focuses a lot on the behind-the-scenes planning for events, including admissions events as well as open houses.
Charles Frank is a Student Ambassador working behind the Welcome Desk. He’s a business student, incorporating his studies as much as he can into his work.
“I came in and I said ‘let’s do a couple of these things, try to reach out to students.’” Frank explained. With the experience he has gained here, he wants to take his talents in business to those less fortunate, including minorities and those with specific special needs.
His primary focus at the moment is data management but he’s also involved in communication and information for students, both enrolled and prospective.
“We try to give them as much information as possible, that way they have the opportunity to go forth and choose. The more time we spend with these students the happier I feel.” Says Frank.
Leah Porter-who was not available for a picture- studied business administration at ACC, and decided to be hired on after transferring to and graduating from Colorado University, Denver.
“ACC changed my life. I would never have thought of pursuing a bachelor’s before,” she said. As an admissions counselor, she is one of the first contacts for current and prospective students. She ventures out to events to recruit interested students while also answering any questions they may have about the college, as well as attending fairs on campus to help current students find their paths.
Reflecting on the main reasons she was drawn to ACC, Leah Porter admitted, “Mainly the people. It’s reputable, great education, great price, and close to my home.”
It seems to be universally agreed that the location is a major plus, not to mention the price-point for classes. According to College Tuition Compare, ACC is the sixth-cheapest school in the state of about 100 total in their list.
“It’s such a great place to be,” Jennifer explained as she recalled her first years at ACC. “I remember having a really good time.”
“We see a thousand familiar faces in the hall every single day,” was the thought Charles ended with. But, from behind their desk, faces often hidden away by their computers, they remain the consistent faces at ACC that everyone knows.

Lucas Miller is a student at ACC pursuing a path in journalism. Writing has been a passion of his since his youth, mostly enjoying telling fictional stories set in worlds of his own creation. He has lived half of his life overseas...