On Denver’s 16th Street Mall, it was a night of zombies

Image via Carolyn Jarvis
Zombie Trump and a friend dropped by Denver’s Zombie Crawl.
Few were immune to the fun in downtown Denver on Saturday, Oct. 17, when more than 20,000 people attended the 10th annual Zombie Crawl on the 16th Street Mall.
The events started at 9 a.m. when zombies rose from their graves to participate in The Organ Trail Adventure. Teams were asked to solve clues in order to identify locations in downtown Denver where they had to go to complete various challenges in a limited amount of time. It was like Amazing Race, but for the latex and rags clad living dead.

Alisha Onions dressed as Carrie at Denver’s Zombie Crawl
Each of the Undead was asked to donate a can of food to the Food Bank of the Rockies. For their generosity, they were given free makeup and costume help by volunteers at the makeup booth.
During the crawl, DJ booths and Bands entertained. A music video recreated Michael Jackson’s spooky hit, Thriller.
But for many people, the Zombie Crawl Parade was the best part. People watched as their favorite zombified pop icons lumbered and stumbled down 16th Street. The costumes ranged from Walking Dead characters to Pope Francis himself.
The parade went from Skyline Park to Welton Street, then returned to Skyline Park for the costume party at 5:30 pm.
The party didn’t end there. Zombie Crawl after parties, including a Zombie Prom, completed the night, and walkers danced the night away.
One patron, Alisha Onions, dressed as undead Carrie, was so popular at the event that she had to stop frequently so people could take pictures with her. Her friend had been bugging her to come for years and finally she caved. She was not disappointed.
“It was really cool getting so much attention,” she said. “I felt famous almost. It made me really happy.”