Safety Alert At ACC’s Littleton Campus

Image via ACC Marketing
UPDATE: All clear was issued as of 7:33 pm.
Staff, students and employees were alerted by phone and email of an attempted carjacking and armed robbery near the college grounds just after 7 pm on Monday, December 10th, resulting in a Littleton Campus lockout.
The incident took place at 6023 S Santa Fe Drive, at the Santa Fe Spirits liquor store.
According to the alert, the alleged perpetrators are two females aged between their teens and early 20s. Both were of a medium build and dressed in black clothing, one with grey sleeves.
Arapahoe Community College issues the following statement regarding student safety:
“If you see something, say something: If anything suspicious occurs or you are the victim of a crime, immediately call the Arapahoe Community College Police Department from any campus phone by dialing 911 or from a cell phone by dialing 303-797-5800.
Trust your instincts – If you feel unsafe, get to a save place and call for help. If you feel uneasy about a situation, trust your instincts and attempt to interrupt the chain of events. Consider using a safety escort from Campus Police. Use the “buddy system” and watch out for each other.
Blue Light Emergency Telephones: Be aware of the locations of the blue light emergency telephones in the parking lots and throughout the campus. Use these telephones to be connected with the Arapahoe Community College Police Department to report suspicious persons or incidents.
Escort Service: Campus Police encourages the college community to continue to use the resources available such as “escorts” by calling 303-797-5800 or to walk with others and to use caution on and off campus to stay aware of their surroundings at all times.
The Campus Police urge all persons to be alert to this type of activity and all suspicious activity on the campus. The Campus Police are investigating this incident and will keep the campus community advised of further security or safety updates.
Report any suspicious activity, behavior, or persons to the Arapahoe Community College Police Department at 303-797-5800 or 911.”

Kera is a touch neurotic and thinks all of you are fascinating from a distance. She's spent a lot of time studying psychology and the sciences. Writing, however, has decided it's tired of being relegated to the dark recesses of the...