Student Government is in Session
Image via Serena Montoya
Student Government Associate Board Meeting, Thursday April 26, 2018 at ACC. In the far left, Treasurer John Sackey, to his right, Secretary Scott Bright. In the middle, Aditya Sriram; middle right, Ryan Holmes, and to the right is President of Student Government, Camila Monroe.
The Student Government Association (SGA) held their second-to-last board meeting April 26, 2018, in the Board Room at Arapahoe Community College. The meeting included talks of coffee mug designs for their advisor, Dan Balski, and the next incoming crew for SGA come fall.
Also, Camila Monroe, President of Student Government Association this semester organized with Phi Theta Kappa (PTK) advisors to create a new award for faculty called Most Valuable Professor (MVP).
Monroe came up with the idea when she was told she could not nominate two of her professors in the Faculty of The Year award since only faculty members could vote. Her first move was to alter the award so students could vote, she spoke with Tracy Lawrence who facilitates the award and spoke with Rebecca Woulfe, but when that idea was shot down, it was suggested she start her own award.
Faculty advisor Balski, along with Shari Culver and Josie Mills (advisors of PTK), aided Monroe in creating the guidelines for the award. Once they were approved through Woulfe, all Deans of ACC and President Diana Doyle, the award was approved and pushed forward.
The award will begin the fall of 2018, SGA, National Society of Leadership Success (NSLS) and PTK together will form the committee to pick the winner in the semesters to follow. Monroe says, “any student can nominate a faculty.” This includes online and adjunct instructors at ACC.
Since the academic year is coming to a close, SGA will be seeing a new set of staff members coming this fall. They will be “passing the torch,” as the current staff puts it. The members of SGA were concerned with how to announce the new president and staff. Elections to nominate the new members ended April 30, 2018. Every student received an email to vote in their student email.
If you voted, among those positions the nominee winners were:
Office of President: Hayden Cook
Office of Vice President: Jordan McDuffie
Office of Secretary: Aditya Sriram
Office of Treasurer: Brenda Campuzano
Office of State Student Advisory Council Representative: Ryan Holmes
Continuing forward, be on the lookout for the MVP award and vote for your favorite faculty member in the fall of 2018.
If you have questions, SGA is available to you. Contact Advisor, Dan Balski at [email protected].

Serena Montoya is a second-year Arapahoe Community College student, majoring in journalism. She will be wrapping up her studies at ACC this fall and transferring to MSU Denver come spring to complete a bachelor's degree. In her free...
Jamey Trotter • May 11, 2018 at 10:32 am
Whoa! A new teacher award! I love it.
“Most Valuable Professor”–PERFECT. Does it come with a parking spot lol?
Thanks for the info, Serena–we’ve been told nothing about this.