“Parking at ACC Totally Adequate,” Say Administrators with Dedicated Parking Spaces

Image via vorply.com
March 16, 2018
According to a high ranking administrative staff member entitled to reserved spaces, there is plenty of available parking around campus at Arapahoe Community College.
“I’ve never had the slightest trouble,” opines a Dean as she complacently climbs from her vehicle, unhurried and relaxed.
“We’re a small school, after all,” offers one of the individuals responsible for the brilliant concept of charging members of the Littleton community a mere $10 for school lot parking passes that cost students $40. “There’s plenty of space for everyone.”
While ticketing a Toyota Corolla that had been in 2 hour parking for 2 hours and 37 seconds, a Littleton police officer confides “You guys are a great little revenue stream,” while peering at a minivan hurriedly trying to parallel park in front of the school after a fruitless search of lots A, B, C and D. “She’s going to be late for class,” he chuckles, checking his watch.
While adjunct professors and students circle each of the parking lots like hungry sharks, muttering obscenities behind closed windows, Littleton locals who are clearly unaware of the sheer number of gyms and recreational facilities mere minutes away hang out in the Fitness Center watching Fox News.
“It’s a nice place to socialize,” smiles retired contractor Rex McKinney, sipping complimentary coffee.
At press time, three students have reportedly simultaneously noticed someone getting into their car in Lot A, and are weighing their odds of getting to it first.
“I try to get here about half an hour before class starts and just wait in one of the rows. Someone has to leave sometime, right?” a student asks rhetorically, chewing her nails and visually tracking another student leaving the school, like a lioness observing a gazelle.
According to an administrator who has clearly never read nor watched The Caine Mutiny, it’s a minor complaint. “Let them ride bikes.”

Kera is a touch neurotic and thinks all of you are fascinating from a distance. She's spent a lot of time studying psychology and the sciences. Writing, however, has decided it's tired of being relegated to the dark recesses of the...
Kera • Apr 17, 2018 at 1:48 pm
Hi Deb!
Don’t worry, it’s satire 🙂
Hope you enjoy the other pieces, perhaps!
Deb Lechuga • Apr 17, 2018 at 10:38 am
Yikes – Kind of harsh, especially to those folks (“Littleton locals”) who come to the ACC Fitness Center. Really, I’m abashed! I’m not a fan of Fox myself but including that was unnecessary and put a label on everyone there. Not cool! Further, the Fitness Center provides a relatively inexpensive place for seniors, regardless of their political affiliations or opinions to get some exercise as well as to be able to socialize which is critically important.
No matter what time of day I arrive here, I’ve always found a spot to park and I don’t have dedicated parking. I may have a walk but I’ve always found a parking spot. I’ve been hanging around here a long time and have seen the parking situation much worse in the past. We lived through it and so will you. Grow a pair – of legs, that is. 🙂