Student Struck By Moment of Absolute Clarity In Line At Expresso Yourself Cafe
While waiting in line to purchase a latte, Arapahoe Community College student Darren Wilkerson realized that life is simply a series of short, easily forgettable events punctuated by momentary pleasures and heartbreaks that give the passage of time a false sense of meaning in the decades between birth and death.
“I mean, I don’t remember much about my childhood except birthday parties and the time I broke my arm falling out of a tree,“ mused Wilkerson while staring at the blackboard upon which one can discover what the café’s specialized drinks are comprised of, while contemplating whether he is doing anything right and whether he’s taking the right courses, or even the right major, oh God what am I doing? What are we all doing?
Broodingly, Wilkerson broke his gaze to look down at the untied sneakers of the patron ahead of him taking forever to order a simple chai. “I guess all I truly know about the world around me is that proteins synthesize through oxidative phosphorylation and how to structure a Works Cited page in APA style. Oh, and I guess now I know that the Nutty Professor drink has hazelnut in it.”
Darren also reportedly finds this higher plane of existence just before quizzes, midterms and finals.

Kera is a touch neurotic and thinks all of you are fascinating from a distance. She's spent a lot of time studying psychology and the sciences. Writing, however, has decided it's tired of being relegated to the dark recesses of the...