I Won’t let Epilepsy Ruin my Life
A shaking mess whose soul has left their body writhing on the floor. Without a constant flow of medication, that could be me.
Those who read my articles know I have a passion for cars. It is a defining characteristic of mine, and one I will not give up. But there has been a dark truth to myself ever since my elementary school years. I have epilepsy. I try not to let myself be defined by my condition. For the most part, I have gotten over it. But growing up there was one thought that never left my head, “will I ever be able to drive?”
It was a thought I could not shake no matter how hard I tried. Over the years, the seizures started to become more controllable and I had hope. However, fear still resides in me. If I have a seizure while driving, my life, and the lives of those around me are in severe danger. All it takes is one. One seizure and the best-case scenario is I lose my license for two years and I must be seizure free for that time. The worst-case scenario is death, even worse is the death of others.
I was in fifth grade when I was diagnosed. I have absence seizures for the most part (three to five-second black-outs where I have no recollection of anything). When I was diagnosed I was having 200-300 every day. In eighth grade, I had my first full body seizure, I was babysitting a child and all of the sudden I woke up in my own bed. I had collapsed and been taken home by my parents. Fast forward to now, and I have them in complete control. It could change, but for now, I don’t have to think about it much. It is hard not to, though.
How do you shake a part of yourself that will never be beaten? How does one let go of a nightmare that has the bite of a Pitbull? For me, the answer was to accept that epilepsy is a part of me. For a large part of my childhood, I was told my nightmare would end at fifteen. The doctors told me most escape the grasp of epilepsy by then. My 15th birthday marked the day I would have epilepsy for life. It wasn’t the best birthday, but at least the cake was good. After that, I had to either accept that epilepsy is a part of me or wallow in sadness forever. I chose option one. Some things in life cannot be changed. Just as I will never be able to change when the sun rises, I cannot change that I have epilepsy. It is not bleak, it’s the way it is.
Medicine still understands little about epilepsy. For a condition that affects over 3.4 million people at its lowest estimate to be so poorly understood is a tragedy. Why is so little known about this condition and why don’t people talk about it? The answer: epilepsy is easy to hide.
Not many people know I have epilepsy. I hide it well. Epilepsy for most has a small effect on how our brains function. 99.9 percent of the time, we are like everybody else. It is that point one percent we dread. The point one percent that can make us feel naked and exposed to those who will judge us. At least that is what my brain tells me every time I could bring it up.
I am writing this because I don’t care who knows anymore. Yeah, I have epilepsy, it is a part of me. I don’t particularly enjoy it, but I don’t let it control me. I will keep on driving, keep on moving forward, and keep on being seizure free. One day, a cure may be conceived. But until then, I will just keep my head up.

You want to talk about cars?!
Oh, you don't walk to talk about cars.
Let's talk about cars anyway.
Gail Ferrari • Mar 28, 2018 at 12:32 pm
Well done Max. Keep writing your good at it. It great to see that your article and experiences can help others.
Laureen • Mar 27, 2018 at 8:11 pm
Hi Max
Nice to see you share your story. Well written, and I like that you feel free to be your whole self! Keep writing.
Laureen from San Jose
Katie Shaw • Mar 27, 2018 at 7:27 pm
Love you Max!!! I hope you have reached out to your cousin…Had no idea that you were going through this and I am sure your parents and sibling have been a major support…epilepsy is difficult as you never know when it will hit. Keep writing You make us proud! Xo
Charlotte • Mar 27, 2018 at 9:25 am
I am my daughter JUSTINE FOREVER23 ADVOCATE. Please make sure your Family split family or not. To know to take a child w Epilepsy is extremely important. We lost our Justine Sept 2015 due to a fall while running shower water. Her lil brother on her dads side heard something fall figured it was a bottle of shampoo and did not check . we lost her. Please Educate all around you & take your life serious for safety reasons.
Max Prodis • Mar 27, 2018 at 12:33 pm
It took Quite a bit for me to open up, but I am glad I did. I am lucky to have a medium to write about this and I will be sure to write more about the subject in the future. I am so sorry to hear about your story. I am so lucky my form of epilepsy has not been life-threatening.
Cathy Marker • Mar 27, 2018 at 4:38 am
That was a great read. My son ‘s epilepsy started a few weeks before his 18th. birthday. Sharing this article with him 🙂
Max Prodis • Mar 27, 2018 at 12:30 pm
glad you enjoyed it. The more people understand the condition the less of a stigma there will be. The better the public is educated, the closer we will be to potential cures.