Eminem’s Freestyle: “The Storm”
Rapper Eminem stirred the proverbial media pot on BET last week, with his freestyle rap about Donald Trump, accusing him of being a racist and an undiplomatic president. Social media is disturbed not by the accusations against the President but by the rapper’s outburst that his fans have to “pick a side.” Either you’re with Eminem or you’re with Donald Trump. There is no in between.
The outraged fans that are Trump supporters are choosing to no longer be fans of Eminem. A server at Old Chicago, Oriana Amerine, is a conservative, and as an Eminem fan, she had much to say with regards to Eminem’s rap. Oriana claimed that the star rapper took it too far by, “attack[ing] the supporters of Trump and the Republican party.” Being a fan of Eminem she found it “disrespectful” of him to make them “pick a side.”

Fans are now claiming online that because of Eminem’s diatribe against Trump, they are no longer going to listen to him and will no longer consider themselves as his fans.
On the other hand, some supporters have attested that Eminem’s recent rap attack has started a “revolution” because he drew a clear line; either people are with or against Eminem.

It is events such as Trumps approach to gun reform concerning the recent Nevada shootings that has gotten Eminem irked. In his freestyle, the rapper further accuses Trump of “distracting the media” by being offended that multiple NFL players (as well entire teams, in some cases) have taken a knee during the National Anthem.
Eminem also blamed Trump of enflaming a “nuclear holocaust,” referring to the ongoing tension between the United States and North Korea.
Throughout the five minute tirade, Eminem hurls racial slurs at Donald Trump, even mimicking a hillbilly accent to mock what Eminem interprets as the President’s fan-base, who still believes the President will build a wall and “deport all immigrants.”
The rapper from Detroit voiced his opinion loud and clear for the world to know where he stands, namely against President Donald Trump. Is there an uprising coming in the near future against Donald Trump? What do you think about Eminem’s freestyle: “The Storm?” Please leave a comment.
If you haven’t heard the infamous battle rap, click the link below: