Enormity of California Wildfires Stun

National News (CA) Considering it is fire season, it is not a complete surprise that another state is battling large-scale wildfires. The magnitude of the fires in California however, is shocking.
Current estimates state, 40 people have been killed by the fires, and at least 5000 buildings, vineyards and farmland are burned to ash. Upwards of 86,000 acres have burned so far, according to reports.
According to the KCRA Sacramento, 15 different wildfires are burning in Northern CA. Most of the fire is uncontained. Authorities have issued the highest possible alerts for residents in the area.

People were forced to evacuate immediately with little warning. CNN reports on over 600 missing persons initially, some still have not been located or reunited with loved ones. Approximately 20,000 received notices to evacuate and many others were instructed to be prepared to evacuate on notice.
More on California Wildfires:
A ‘catastrophic event’: Winds whip new terror into deadly California wildfires, Chicago Tribune
6 important things to know about wildfires, CNN (text and video)
Winds whip new terror into deadly California wildfires, Denver Post
California’s Wildfires: Why Have They Been So Destructive?, MSN